Question 2
In this course i really want to go outside my comfort zone and take more initiative and risks. Last semester i gained a general knowledge of what the film making process is and i believe i reached my goals for the course. Now i want to take it one step further and become confident in camera, sound and editing, though i would really want to be as involved as possible, so hopefully directing too. I hope to work in a relatively small group, and help out on other peoples shoots too. Ideally i think it would be awesome and a great experience to work by myself, but I don’t know how practical that would be, so ill sit on the idea a bit longer. Overall, i just hope to make something i am proud of, and i hope to learn a lot. I want to get the most out of this course while i can.
Question 5
The sounds we recorded remind me of the city and large public areas. Hearing sounds like trams, people and coffee machines. They definitely suggest the image of a crowded place in the city, very much representative of RMIT where the sounds were recorded. Even in the running water recording from the fountain, there are sounds of the street and people passing by in the background, giving it the feeling of a public space. Other recordings that could be done to emphasise the space are crowd footsteps, possibly trains, cars, announcements, food preparation. All indicative of things you hear and are exposed to in the city.