Film-TV Reflection 4

Question 7

The point about light sources was interesting, how we have to coordinate all light sources and make them work for us and not just think about the one that are plugged in. Even productions with no extra lighting, for example, ones shot outdoors with natural light, require some form of planning in regards to light and how to use it.

Its easy to forget about lighting because the point is for what is on screen to look natural, like editing, its one of those things that is usually not supposed to grab your attention, but instead makes things easier to view. It was useful being reminded of this, as the camera does not see what the human eye does, light is very important and although something may look unnaturally lit in person, on camera it may appear just like sunlight would to the eye.

Question 8


We learned a lot after filming our Lenny. Some problems we found with it were:

  • Consistent framing: We found that some of our tracking shots were inconsistent in their movements, but can overcome this  by aligning the corner of the frame with the subjects head.
  • Ending: We found this problem during the editing process, the actors actions in the two shot were not the same as in the over-the-shoulder close-ups, so we were unable to finish on a two shot as we had wanted to. We can overcome this through more careful planning and direction of the actors.

Some things that went well were:

  • The shots all looked really good: Colour/ exposure/ white balance/ composition etc.
  • The shoot itself was efficient and we got all the material we needed quickly.

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