So I updated my header picture, its the same picture but I made it harsher on the eyes, particularly on the tired, late night eyes that I currently have.
Now this is daunting, I am left with this blog, wanting to update it, without any course material to update it with. For some reason I imagined this being a lot easier in my head, coming up with things to write about. I suppose being confined to ones room while frantically trying to finish assignments isn’t the most inspiring environment, so that could be it. I haven’t really gone out in the world for a while.
I did start a Pinterest today though, it has helped with my creative block, I just really want to make something colourful and pretty right now… so I amped up the colour in my blog header…*pats self on back* I’ll get my groove back soon.
While I finish these things off, since I’m not feeling very inspired of late, I’ll just decorate this blog with a picture of my dog, how nice.
EDIT: So I’m messing around with my theme at the moment, the other one seemed too simple for me. I like lots of colour, so much colour its almost sickening. Actually, so much colour it is sickening… and then a little more, so lets see what I can come up with here….