Remember this, future Jackie:

It hit me this week that i have been more slack with updating this blog recently, usually saving all my posts for Thursday night. I have the intention of doing  it more regularly and not so far between, but assignments have been catching up to me and this is usually the last thing on my to do list. I have been pondering whether i really will continue to use this blog, for example, over the summer. I wont have readings to write on, and relying on my everyday observations of networked media around me to fuel three blog posts a week seems rather unlikely. Without readings and lectures to draw on this blog will either take one of two paths.

1. the posts will become quite rare

2. the subject matter will change. Perhaps i will begin blogging about other things. Not saying this blog will  turn into a fashion blog or dedicated to some fandom, however, if it is going to survive, i need to be able to explore new things. I intend for this blog to be a record of my creations and achievements, which i have already taken a step toward publishing, such as in this post, so in order to keep it from stagnating, i must continue to create. Not a bad incentive to create more frequently.

As soon as we were given the task of creating and developing a blog, i knew there would be different reactions to this from the cohort. Some people rarely post, loathe the blog, are counting the days until it is no longer required, whom i am not critical of as i have been forced to create blogs for subjects in the past and despised the experience, so i know where they are coming from. Actually when i heard we would be keeping a blog as part of this subject i thought to myself ‘oh man, these things never work, this is going to be annoying,’ however, i have since decided that since i haven’t been creating as much as i used to, i should invest time and effort into creating this blog and everything in it, as well as using it as a place to document my creations and efforts. Since early in the semester, i made a commitment to the blog which i don’t plan to go back on. Who knows, after the next few weeks, and after i (hopefully) pass this subject, this blog could stagnate, but i think i will use the fear of that happening to pressure me to create more. For this year, I can remember every painting i have done, every piece of sound or video i have recorded and edited, every piece of writing and essay i have produced, and i think that is disgusting. Coming from 2012, a year where i created too much to remember or even count, to this, no wonder i feel like a stagnating person.

So although this blog was, for many people, just another assessment, i see it as an opportunity; to make a commitment to it and keep a promise to myself that i will begin creating again, rather than consuming, and i really don’t intend to break this commitment. On a similar note, my mother told me how she recently ran into someone i knew in primary school, and they had a short exchange about how i have always been the type of person to be set in my ways and stick to my decisions, so i guess i should live up to that reputation.

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