5. The Power of; We are not dead

We are not dead irked me, but eventually I think I got my head around it. Written as a stream of thought, This post was my thought process in trying to understand this admittedly intense short film. Click on the puppy to see it.

Click it…

4. A Look at The Matrix; Man with machine will always beat Man without

I have a special love for the matrix; despite the sometimes depressingly bad effects it uses it never ceased to be awe inspiring in my mind. And yet it always seemed odd to me that the architect was so human when none of it’s minions were. Here I tried out a theory of mine; that The Matrix isn’t about robot invasion, so much as an allegory for modern day slavery.


3. A Look at The Selfie

I like this one simply because it was a chance to go through the controls of the blog; basic image controls and alt text that allowed for ease of posting in future episodes

Speaking of clickable selfies....

Speaking of clickable selfies….

2. A Daily Photo

This was more for me than the assignment; I’ve always taken photos as a sort of hobby, but I never put time constraints on myself, which made this more structured than ever before. While I can’t really link to all of them, I can repost my favourite, which I will do!

Dave had to stand very still. For Very Long.

Dave had to stand very still. For Very Long.

This was my favourite not just because of the picture itself, but because it marked the beginning of the alt text- almost every picture after had some snide comment on either the picture or on how the Algorythm would have done it better.


1. Lets Try; Premiere Pro

Premiere pro has been my best friend throughout the semester; I’ve found myself hand in hand with it in almost everything I do. It wouldn’t be fair, then, to not include my experiences testing and learning this application.

Mew Mew

Favorite kitty for favorite program!


At the time of writing, there are still 4 scheduled posts in Daily Photo, and I have not decided whether or not I shall continue the trend.