Jon suggested we take a listen to “The Truth” podcast, as it would give us an insight into how to effectively create sound scapes that rely on little dialogue. I listened to the first couple of episodes, and took a lot from it, specifically about hyper realistic sounds and how to make the audience feel like they are in the location. We decided to give our soundscapes a somewhat looser feel, not focusing on complete realism but just trying to put the listener in places they don’t expect, and trying to give them a certain feeling or mood rather than make them feel like they are exactly in the moment
Jon Gave us some great feedback on how to focus on this looser, more surreal feeling rather than complete realism. For example the ambience within the car – where are the ears in relation to the objects making noise? Did we want to make it exactly how it would be in real life, or make everything varying levels of noise to create the feeling and push our message across, rather than feeling hyper realistic. We opted for the latter.
He also gave us a few ideas for other scenarioes such as
Crossing the road with headphones.
Music – honk pulls you out of the music.
putting on headphones.