When I saw these three girls laughing their heads off I knew that they’d make great subject for this Eve Arnold inspired photo essay. The girl on the right was very tentative about having their photo taken, but the other two were completely unphased by the shots. Especially the girl in the middle, who wasn’t camera shy in the slightest. Their conversation eludes my memory, but the three of them continued to share an honestly impressive amount of laughter throughout the time it took to take the photos.
The girl on the left drew my attention, she was somewhat separated from the other 2. They were laying back, leaning on each other while this girl sat with her legs and a bag between herself and the conversation. All three girls seemed to be great friends, through the conversation I never got the feel that any two girls were closer with each other than the third, but her body language somewhat distanced herself from the ongoing laughter.
This shot is the only real evidence of any nerves in the shoot. Outwardly, she seemed absolutely unconcerned by the presence of the camera lens. Her hand however nervously played with her lighter throughout the shoot after she lit another cigarette. She went through two in the 5 or 10 minutes that we were shooting. Her bracelet caught my eye too “It Girl” is strangely apt considering she was the girl that immediately stood out to me, among three girls that themselves stood out to me on the steps of The State Library.