Class Exhibition (Blog Post 7)

Another exhibition down. This time with the entire class and 2 guest industry speakers. The main take away from my presentation was MORE. The ending just needs more. It needs to be longer, it needs to be louder, and it needs to be more chaotic. I definitely agree with this, because if that ending doesnt work and isn’t effective at really disorienting the audience…then I think the whole piece will fall flat.

The video I used for the presentation

On the positive side, the nature/scenery shots were all well shot. The juxtaposition of the long shots with the quick transition into trains flying by certainly create that disrupting effect I’m going for, and I think it will all work really well if it’s tied together with a strong ending.

The audio was also brought up a lot, I think it needs to be amped up for the final edit. If I really want to disorient the audience and truly interrupt their ability to focus and notice I need to bombard them both visually and with sound. It’s definitely the most lacking element of the piece and I really need to add a lot more sounds/disjointed clips of audio at the ending.

I think for the final piece ending, I will cut together some really rapid cuts between the trains, the scenery and black screen. I will completely disregard the uniform time constraints I have built up throughout the film at the end and have it just completely collapse on itself until it suddenly cuts to black. Hopefully this will really enable me to get that reaction from the audience that I have tried to prime them towards.

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