In my video titled +/- I was trying to portray my life by showing things I love and things I hate. I also tried to cut the components in such a way that reflected me as a person. For example on a basic level, there are pictures and videos of little parts of my life, I play football, I love basketball, I love shoes, I hate the vacuuming (shown with the sound of a vacuum), I dont like running for the sake of running etc etc. But I also tried to make the cuts between the different sides of the video quite jarring to show a disconnect between the parts I like and the parts I dont, while keeping the transitions between similar themed photos/videos smooth.
So what worked. I think the broader ideas behind the video are what worked best. So, trying to show something more meaningful about myself by showing superficial aspects of my life and trying to separate the two halves of the video without letting it feel like two different videos mashed together.
I also think the snap changes with the recorder clicking noise was an effect that worked really well. It was difficult to time it perfectly but it came out better than I expected. Especially at the end when it is timed with the music.
As for what didn’t work, basically the technical side. I’m not at all familiar with premier pro, or any editing software. Shooting/directing/writing are aspects of film making that Im much more familiar with and this side of the project was really outside my comfort zone. But I enjoyed figuring out how its done.
Along a similar vein, something that didn’t work with the overal project as a whole was just my ability to figure out exactly what I wanted. It changed a lot throughout the process, which made it difficult to continually edit.
On a different note, something that definitely didn’t work was my planning. I had to hand the assessment in late because I had no idea videos took that long to render/upload and I just couldn’t embed the video onto my blog in time because it was still uploading.
Monthly Archives: April 2017
Media 1 – project brief 2 – video
+/- by Jack Fahey