Week 6 Lectorial

Another week, another guest lecturer.

This week we had Paul come in and talk to us about what it means to be a media operator, specifically referencing our interviews for the most part.

He focused a lot on something he seems to have developed a large philosophy on…Serendipity. Its an interesting concept, namely the idea that things that happen by chance are beneficial. His idea of a serendipitous action was slightly more specific though in relation to media, that being whenever something goes wrong on a project/shoot, it is always for the best. He believes that the outcome is going to be better than what you had originally planned. But not only that, he also believes that it is necessary to believe this in order to keep your project moving forward.

Its actually quite a nice idea to be honest, and actually quite helpful. If something bad happens, just will it into being something that will work out for the best.

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