Music Video Production #3

Finding an artist to collaborate with

The first artist Elle and I thought we would work with was Fontine. They’d produced an amazing track, New, that we both loved and they ware still a relatively fresh band which increased our chances of them agreeing to work with us. Elle had the email for their manager and all was looking good. Unfortunately the communication process took too long and we had to come up with a back up plan.

Leisure Suite was a band we’d interviewed at Paradise Music festival about a month ago and had both been a fan of for awhile. One of the members of the band studies at RMIT and friend of Elle’s. We contacted them and they got back to us soon saying we could produce a video for one of their unreleased tracks. This was great news. The song was beautiful, a slow, sexy electronic track with flawless vocals.

We brainstormed some ideas for a video we thought would suit the track and came up with filming at either a beach or an outdoor pool (preferably a pool), with the lead singer standing in the water, smoking and singing, potentially also involving a smoke machine. We wanted it to be at night with largely navy blue and purple colour tones to match the mood of the song. It’s a relatively simple idea (concept-wise, not in actual execution) but something both Elle and I feel will be effective and visually engaging. The project is looking very promising.


RMIT student studying Bachelor of Communications Media. Focus on Cinema and video production.

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