Specific To Site – Week 2

Discussing Brief 1
Planning on focusing on the areas of my house that I occupy and identify with. In a family home we seek to carve out a bit of the house as our own and I’ll document how I’ve done this and the parts of the bits I connect with.

Listened to this:



Interesting in terms of noise and space, how they relate to each other. Noise occupy a space and when “distilled” creates more of a feeling and atmosphere, meditative, than actual information.

Space and the idea of space can be created through sound. How the sound is manipulated or how the space effect the original sound itself. Reverb can play a large part in this. This also works in various degree’s with light. Darkness and also projection can alter perception of a space. Darkness can in a way create limitless space while projection can create interpretations of a space that differs from how we may originally perceive it.



RMIT student studying Bachelor of Communications Media. Focus on Cinema and video production.

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