Tagged: talkback

Journey into the Abyss

Well that was unexpected.

The first lecture for Networked Media had me puzzled, intrigued and ultimately, excited. In some ways, it’s terrifying to be told we have to participate so actively in our own learning – that we can’t expect just to listen, do the readings and coast on through. Caught like deer in the headlights, getting a shakedown about why we’re sitting in this room in the first place.

I’ve thought about that lecture in the week since, and more importantly, I talked about it. I’m a media student, and therefore I think that everything I learn at uni relates to everything around me (which, in a lot of ways, it does) and that everyone wants to hear about and/or talk about these connections (which they don’t).

I relish the idea of learning through action, instead of essays, and (finally) being able to somehow include all the useless (but interesting, always interesting) information I tend to pick up along the way when studying for a subject. I’ve wanted to blog for a long time, and I like reading other peoples’ blogs but I never thought I had anything original or interesting enough to say.

Occasionally, I put up new poems when I write them, but that happens pretty rarely as they take ages to draft and edit and whatever. Plus I’m pretty sure no one actually reads my poetry blog (not only because it’s updated so infrequently or because there are no reviews/references/other content…just my poems) so it feels a bit like I’m just throwing things out into the great abyss of the internet.

So this is it then. This blog is my opportunity to nerd out, solidify all my social media fascinations, experiments and addictions and see what comes out at the other end…