Category: How to…

How to insert a twitter roll widget to wordpress

Step 1.

Go to ‘widgets’ in your twitter settings.

Step 2.

Select ‘create new’.

Step 3.

You can tailor the roll to suit your needs here – for example, you can choose whether you want the roll to appear ‘light’ or ‘dark’ to suit your blog design, and how tall you’d like it to be.

A preview is automatically generated on the right when you change any of the settings, so you can check whether you like how it looks before committing to it.

Step 4.

Select ‘create widget’. A little html box will appear beneath the preview box. Copy all the text from the little box.

Step 5.

Head over to your wordpress blog Dashboard. If you don’t have a full menu down the left-hand side as pictured below, hover over ‘My sites’ in the very top left-hand menu > select your blog > dashboard and you should be in the right place.

Hover over ‘Appearance’ on the left-hand menu, then select ‘widgets’. You should now be looking at this:

Step 6.

Drag the ‘Text’ widget from the big box in the centre of your screen into one of the widget areas on the right-hand side of your screen. The ‘Text’ widget is the last one in the menu.

I dragged mine into the ‘Primary Widget Area’ as you can see below:

Step 7.

Paste the HTML code you copied from Twitter (when you created your widget in step 4.) into the body of the ‘Text’ widget, as shown below. The title of your ‘Text’ widget is what shows up on your site – as you can see, I’ve title mine ‘Follow me on Twitter’, which appears above the blog roll.

Step 8.

Hit ‘Save’ and voila! You should have a live-feed Twitter roll widget installed in the sidebar of your blog, wherever you decided to place it!