Super Puzzler….

Okay, I’ll admit it, I’m a dag.

I have recently been so into crosswords.

They are so fantastic. Not only extremely therapeutic, but so incredibly satisfying.

And I don’t mean the intense literature crosswords that are in the newspaper or a crossword where you have to constantly check your dictionary otherwise it’s virtually impossible… I mean the magazine ones. The gossip ones. The ones that have film titles, actors, songs, animals and of course the occasional tricky word (but still easy).

Here’s the crossword I am currently doing

They are so underrated. Everyone should get on them!!!

Keeping Busy

This week has been the busiest week so far this year. By a mile. I literally feel as though I haven’t stopped. Waking up at 6.30am every morning for work, two different shifts for different jobs in one day, three uni assignments, three music concerts (Adele was insane…), my best friends birthday, uni classes followed by afternoon work shifts….. it’s all happening. And it’s only Thursday. Still have a whole Friday of uni followed by a shift followed by a music concert… Then working all day Saturday and all day Sunday. Awesome.

But it’s good. I really love keeping busy. It makes me work harder, makes me more organised and makes me 100 times more productive. It’s just a lot when theres uni assignments because you really have to squeeze in time to do them, and you want to do them well so it can be challenging and overwhelming, but it’s all good!

Soundscape Update

Unfortunately I was sick for Tuesday’s class, just run down with all the stuff that’s been happening recently. So I recorded my own soundscape at home; the ambience of my room and a little narration.

Lydia and Lucas did the same so in class tomorrow we can put all our footage together and create our final soundscape.


The people who were designated to bring in food for days class outdid themselves. There was chocolate, cookies and chips; but not just any old chips. Aside from the classic salt and vinegar and sea salt there were…. CC’s.

I literally haven’t seen let alone eaten them since I was a kid!

Someone on my table asked if they were from Aldi, I was like mate, please, although they might be the cheaper yet absolutely fantastic version of Doritos, they are not from Aldi.

I was instantly taken back to primary school days after one bite of a CC. My best friend used to have a little pack of them all the time and I would always get so jealous because I was one of those kids whose incredibly mundane lunch box consisted of a vegemite or ham and cheese sandwich with an apple. Awesome.

We’d always share her packet of CC’s under the friendship tree (aw) and talk and laugh about what every 7 year old did; Barbies, Saddle Club, Kim Possible or riding our bikes home after school.

Very nostalgic moment in class today. Thought it was worth sharing. 🙂

Soundscape Assignment

We were assigned groups today for our first assignment; soundscape task. Out of the list of objects  we were able to choose from, we chose the Room. Basically since it’s such a vague option, there could be heaps of possibilities as to what we create with it.

Below is a big brainstorm diagram Lydia Lucas and I did to get our ideas down. There are two sides; technical and academic.


This is my graph. It’s essentially indicating that out of video, sound and essay that video is my favourite and essay my least, however I still enjoy them all.

In order to get into our groups, we were told to stand across the room in which category we enjoy most out of the three. I chose video obviously as stated in my graph. However so did majority of the class. There were only four people brave enough to stand in the middle of the room in the essay section, and 6 over at sound. After about 30 seconds of Adrian insisting that some video people move into one of the others to ensure there were 7 in each, I volunteered as tribute. I thought I may as well go over to sound before I possible got put into essay- because although I don’t enjoy sound as much as video I am capable of doing it unlike an essay where I only do it if I have to.

Assessing Participation

Participation in class this semester is going to be really important not only because it’s essentially required, but because it will benefit our learning.

Things I need to do myself in order to learn and work to the best of my ability are:

  • Read 20 pages a week, taking notes: questions, specific quotes to further discuss, key ideas, any information that is helpful in interpreting the content
  • Do 6 blog posts a week, one more than the set amount just so I can challenge myself in an achievable way
  • Write down notes in my notebook every class on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, so it’s easy to refer back to the content of any class for future learning and blog posts


The train line is directly behind my house. At first this was such a pain due to the constant sounds of thunder but now I hardly hear it because I’m so used to it. We have an extremely tall hedge which aims to give us a level of privacy from those sitting on the train looking out into the back gardens of houses, however today I was truely shocked.

I was sitting in the back room on the couch watching TV this afternoon and heard the train, so I looked out – but look at the hedge!! Mum was telling me the other week that she wanted to get the hedges trimmed because they looked completely out of control and needed to be neater, so the gardeners must have come to do it but look how insanely uneven that trim is!! I called mum to tell her, wondering if she was aware of what had happened, and she said to me “are you serious? That’s been like that for about 6 weeks now. They cut one side way too short and I told them to stop and not even it out.”

I hadn’t even noticed it until now. 6 weeks later. And I only just saw it now. Well done me.



The Class’s PB1’s

Today was dedicated to our PB1 projects. Unfortunately I arrived 30 minutes late into the lesson so the class didn’t get to watch mine and take feedback, but we watched them all and took feedback notes. The system we used to give our classmates feedback was the thinking hats.


PB1 was actually quite an enjoyable experience.

I chose my object to be my A5 notebook that I have all my subject notes in, because it was sitting right in front of me the day we were assigned the task.

Describing the notebook was much harder than I was expecting, sometimes I literally didn’t know how to describe something.

What made this task even more interesting was the fact that you couldn’t include any visual content of the object in the piece – it didn’t matter what the footage was, it just couldn’t be the object. I didn’t really think too much of this, I sort of thought ‘awesome, I’ll just go around the house and the street and film stuff with my camera’ which worked pretty well I must admit!