Never To Be Seen Again

Buses replaced trains this morning coming out of the city from Clifton Hill onwards, so I had to get off the train at Clifton Hill and catch a bus to Ivanhoe. As the bus stopped at one of the stations along the way, I was looking out the window listening to my music. I watched a few people hop off the bus and walk along the street. I thought to myself, how weird that I am never going to see those people again. That man with the blue scarf and black coat who just hopped off now walking down the side street is literally gone from my life, never to be seen or heard from again. I wonder what he does. I wonder where he’s off to. It’s so funny to think that I am one of those ordinary people. When I hop off the bus, people still sitting on the bus thinking the same thing will never know what I’m up to. They don’t know anything about me, yet I am so familiar with my life. Oh it’s so weird. So interesting. So fun to get deep into.

How This Studio Will Be Benefit The Future

In class today we had a discussion of how this studio will benefit in the future. Brainstorming ideas consisted of:

  • Documentary making (interviewing skills, note taking, research)
  • Appreciating things more and becoming less selfish.
  • Being aware of media that surrounds everyday life (advertisements, buildings, webpages, designs, promotions etc.)

Overall, being able to adapt within the tough and ever-changing industry is a vital skill to have and by doing this studio, we have greater potential to achieve this in our futures in the field

Essay Results and Feedback

I don’t think our mark was an accurate representation and reflection of our ideas in terms of creating the bedroom into something other than itself, however I do understand Adrian’s feedback points.

I don’t think the structure we decided upon worked in our favour very well as it wasn’t clear enough. In the essay description it said that the structure shouldn’t be an ordinary essay structure, hence why we took a completely different approach, but it mustn’t have been clear enough. Maybe our essay needed a sentence of pre-introduction explaining the structure of it before reading.

Coffee Surcharge

There’s a café near RMIT that a friend and I go to all the time to catch up, and it wasn’t until today that I realised there is a surcharge for using card. I use card every time and not once have I heard of this sneaky little additional cost.

I was thinking, it was probably because I’m hardly ever concentrating after coffee because I’m thinking of what to do after or what work I have to do when I get home. Who knows, but I now know to take more notice of these types of things and to make sure I’m not nodding and agreeing unless I’ve fully heard, processed, understood and made a decision on that matter.

MTV Movie Awards

The MTV Movie Awards were today and I watched a re-cap on YouTube. So many women to acknowledge! So amazing. Emma Watson of course deserved her win of best actress for her role as Belle in Beauty in the Beast – which I have already blabbered on about.

Millie Bobby Brown won an award for her role as Eleven in Netflix’s ‘Stranger Things’, which was also extremely well deserved. She’s only 13 years old and is already a fierce, talented, down to earth and stunning actress.

For me, there are three things that spring to mind when I think of Emma Watson:

  1. Hermione Granger
  2. Incredible actress
  3. Feminist

What I love about her is her decrete passion for gender equality, especially in her field of work. I love what she stands for, and how she delivers her messages and beliefs. Her acceptance speech at the MTV Movie awards beautiful captures this in only 40 seconds.

GTM 2017

Groovin the Moo music fest was on Saturday in Bendigo.
The music was incred, personal favourites were The Wombats, George Maple and Snakehips.

The layout of the festival, I thought, was done really well. Music festivals are always so ridiculously packed to the brim with people, but the layout at Groovin made it feel quite spacious.

Uni Games

I’m doing literally nothing this next holidays except work. I thought to myself, I have 6 weeks. That’s a long time. I need to do something productive or at least have a bit of fun and get away! So I decided to get involved with uni games. There were so many sports on offer to participate in, but I chose netball. Classic. So there were two trials, and boy was it intense! I was expecting it to be a breeze, I thought everyone was guaranteed to get into a team – but I was wrong. It was a full on trial. Not only a lot of people, but a lot of people who are incredibly good at netball.

Anyway, I did my best which ultimately worked in my favour as I was selected for one of the two teams! Exciting. So we had our first training today ….. what was I expecting? Due to the level of the trials I was definitely expecting to be working hard and sweating a lot – especially because it was scheduled to go for two hours.
Yep! I was right. I am so sore. We did everything from drills to practice games, all with such high-intensity!
I was moved from the women’s team into the mixed team in the last 10 minutes of the practice game which was exciting. The only one switched. I think they are still decided on who is best suited to play in the mixed team so trying different combinations and all that jazz. I’m secretly hoping they keep me in the mixed team, however if I do get moved back down to the women’s I’ll still be happy because all the girls are so good and so lovely


I have work Tues, Wed, Thurs and Fri morning at 7am and this is literally the only perk of doing so. The sunrises are always so beautiful, as if the sun is saying “you can do it Isobel, don’t give up, there is still hope”.

Thanks sun 🙂

Live Gig

On Friday I had a live gig. It’s the 5th one I’ve done in the past year and it was great. Live music really does do wonders in this world. It not only makes artists, either professional or completely amateur (including myself) extremely happy, but it brings people together. I had a crowd of about 40-50 people, 30 of which I knew. It was awesome being on stage and seeing people talking to each other, catching up and socialising as well as listening to live covers.

Here’s a pic 🙂


Assignment Progression Update

Today our group caught up in the media studios.

We had to decide on ideas for the next audio and visual media.

While listening to the Offenberg soundscape, I was feeling frustration, chaos and essentially reminded me of someone having a nervous break down. It was almost scary at times, and messy with different footage being all over the place.

So, from this, we thought of focusing our video (which would pair up to this soundscape) on mental breakdowns, however through the actual physical breaking of glass, plates, waterballoons and whatever else that breaks/smashes well.

For the audio, we thought about focusing on their garden/outdoor scheme they maintained throughout their visual. So recording atmospheric sounds of the outdoors and editing to create a rhythm.