Pandora – a land of fantasy and enchantment


A short discussion took place at the end of class involving how much of an issue the aspect of closure can be. We thought about the incredibly beautiful scenery and environment the land of Pandora had in the film Avatar, and how research actually showed (In America I believe) that more and more people were becoming distressed, even to the point of undertaking counselling, due to the disappointment that Pandora wasn’t a real place. These individuals were said to have been sad or even depressed when comparing Pandora to their home. Comparing Pandora with reality, certain individuals were disappointed that they couldn’t ever escape to this magical land and were instead confined to a boring, dull and unexciting environment in which they lived in. This research study is such a great example showing the power that imagination has on such vulnerable individuals within society, and how they are easily able to get so caught up in what is and isn’t real and idolising with the idea of (in this case) fantasy and imagination, no worries or cares in the world, so much so that some require professional sessions to bring them back ‘down to earth’, into reality.


Photo Source:, date accessed 13/3/16

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