Exhibition Website

Team meeting about the exhibition.

Our post for the exhibition’s website:

“….The online world can also work as a private space, creating opportunity for more introverted individuals to express themselves with a higher level of confidence and self-esteem as their identity is able to be anonymised. Through light being purely ejected from the laptop screen in amongst the extremely dark surroundings, we are aiming to visually display how although one can be alone in their own private space online with the liberty for expression, they still technically remain in a public space due to the vast accessibility that arises with the internet today. We are aiming to create content that young adults of this current generation can resonate with being so constantly involved with the online world in their own ways….”


Photo to go with that would probably be one of the shots we have at the start of our video. This is Indri’s face lit up from the light projecting onto it from the laptop screen. This shot will visually show what we are explaining in the description, making the audience instantly understand and resonate.


Continued editing our final videos. Our split screen section is coming together really well. Not only aesthetically engaging with the diverse settings, people and colours, but because it sums up really nicely that idea of people communicating with people from all over the world, even virtual strangers, while in the same online space. Seeing how easy it is to communicate with different people and change so quickly, with every clip changing every few seconds.

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