Liberation in Assignment 4

This project is a lot more liberating in what we can consider and explore. Which is exciting. We aren’t locked into specific questions and restricted with our delivery like we were in assignment 3, rather have the opportunity to be free in our work and in expressing our ideas.


Started class with a little exercise based on our previous assignment, to get us thinking about assignment 4. These were the four steps:

  1. Write down 20 words that relate to your assignment 3
  2. Then cross out 10 that don’t really relate as much as the others
  3. Now link two of the remaining 10 words together, to make 5 pairs
  4. Write 10 words relating to the new idea

So interesting how this little exercise allowed us to easily narrow down our idea. We didn’t have any idea that we wanted to explore how public vs private space is used online, it wasn’t until we did this little word exercise that we came to the conclusion!

Got our minds working and allowed our ideas to collectively come together.


Ideas for assignment 4 video:

Video ideas

  • Starting in a dark room with purely the laptop lit. Slow zoom towards with eerie music, sounds of mac starting up, phone on charge etc. sounds of technology
  • Cuts to a close up of the brightness on mac turning up
  • Then video turns more up beat and fast paced, shots of computer and being online

Overall aims/ideas

  • Exploring physical and non physical presence while online
  • Exploring in a public yet private way
  • Privatising part of yourself through becoming anonymous online (public space)

Challenges would be capturing a non-physical space, and how to actually do that. Making our idea come to life.

Site = website


Discussing our idea to the class

Feedback pointers:

  • Can the virtual self be the real self?
  • Representing yourself differently online.
  • Robbie suggested to narrow it down – allowing a broader conversation.
  • Research will give us ability to grow
  • Interesting how to document our ideas

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