Looping Home Sound

Sound experiment at home – continue to think about how we loop everyday soundscapes to create a pattern, or transform the meaning of the sound into something that differs from it’s origin. My sound was my fingers running down the blind in my bedroom above my bed. The sound is almost gritty, with echoes of plastic throughout it.

Going around to everyone in the class and listening to the sounds they had looped on their laptop, I tried to picture what it was. I thought the one next to me was a click of a laptop mouse pad, however was actually a light switch being turned on and off. Once it’s looped and repeated over and over again, it begins to have a different sound all together, becoming annoying and irritating, and I start to hear it in a different way. It’s difficult to explain, but it’s as if the timing, tone and time of the sound all at once changes, and it’s hard to hear it the same way I did at the beginning after this experience. It’s like when someone says a name or a word over and over again, it becomes very weird and has a whole different meaning to how you originally perceived it. Interesting!!

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