
I went to the incredibly beautiful and historical Regent Theatre last week to see ‘Ladies in Black’ (which was fantastic), and on the way out I took a magazine/advertisement for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival.

On the train on the way home I was flicking through it, reading all the different acts to go and see (which all look so funny) however this wasn’t until after I had studied the front page. The pink though!! It’s so vibrant! Such a simplistic front cover design that works so well in drawing attention. The contrast of the yellow font against the pink background immedientley drew my attention, and made me feel happy and excited without even having read any of the contents inside.

It also has a cartoon drawn by Leunig that seems to be a comedian juggling three balls whilst controlling a snake and a duck that’s holding a flower in it’s mouth? Not sure. But whatever it’s meant to be, it works.

I gave Leunig a google and came across his website. I know that he is renowned for the work he does in newspapers, however that’s about all I know.

I looked at his most recent work and this one was just so classic and accurate.

Because that’s literally what our world is coming to. I see it everyday, people crossing roads just looking down at their devices. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just interesting to notice, and think about how different it would have been 15 or even 10 years ago.

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