Noticing Habits

Today made me think a lot about habits and the habits we as humans have in every day life.

Why do we have habits?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of habits? Well there are good and bad habits. Having good habits gives us positive structure. It gives us a way of life…

How can we stop bad habits? You can stop a bad habit such as biting your nails by using specific toxic polish that burns your mouth every time you go to take a nibble… But what about the bigger habits such as behavioural habits? The ones that can affect social and mental development.


Then I thought about noticing habits and more specifically, my own habits. I don’t really have any habits I can think of. Does this mean my habits aren’t bad and don’t need attention or change? Or is it because I just haven’t noticed any?

Well now I’m going to start noticing them. And I’m excited to see what I find.


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