Oh Vegans

I was scrolling through Facebook the other day and came across a post from a girl I went to school with last year. She is a hard core vegan for all the reasons including animal cruelty and ethical living.

Below are screenshots of the situation, which I found utterly entertaining but at the same time extremely frustrating.

Sure, this girl is entitled to her own opinion and it’s her choice what to believe, but I don’t think it’s necessary for her to post all over social media. These believes don’t need to be publically shared, she should keep it to herself in my opinion.

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This girl who commented’s family run a working farm near the Snowy River (to provide some context)

The girl who’s post it was then replied with this:

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I’d just like to ask her where does this occur in Australia? This rarely happens in Australia the footage in the video she shared is most likely to come from overseas, and if you buy meat locally, it shouldn’t be a problem


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