Interviewing Mark

For the video essay, I interviewed my uncle Mark – a film producer based in Adelaide. He has always been one of my inspirations with regard to the work he does. Initially I wanted to do the interview over skype, and set up a camera just left of the computer and film the interview to get both visual and audio for the video essay, however he was very busy so only had time for a phone call. I was a bit rushed myself so only had time to film the actual phone whilst it was on speaker. This method still worked well, and the sound was clear enough to hear exactly what he was saying.

Essentially these were the questions I asked Mark in relation to The Interview film.

  • From a cinematic and academic perspective what are your thoughts on this movie?
  • Do you think the style/stylistic approaches override the overall ideology of the film and if so do you think this is problematic?

Unfortunately, he hadn’t actually seen the film. I originally thought this was problematic at the beginning of the interview however once he began talking and was on a role, it really didn’t matter, because he still managed to answer the questions just not in relation to the interview, more so in these types of films in general and cultural differences/interpretations in films.

I was overall happy with Mark’s interview, he answered the questions really well (as expected) and definitely footage we will use for our video essay.

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