This week in tutorial we spent the first two hours watching everyone’s PB3’s. It was so interesting to notice that although we all had the exact same requirements and constraints, every single person’s video was so different.
On my table was Brad, Rosie, Riah and Hannah, and I was required to give them feedback after watching their videos. Below is my feedback with their PB3’s attached.
- Loved the close ups of the erasers, great being able to properly visualise the erasers and the detail
- Maybe needed music throughout to emphasis or clarify the feeling and mood
- Good use of black and white clips
- Good use of two cameras, kept the interview interesting
- Great quirky overall theme for video, very original
- At times the music was overpowering the interviewee’s dialogue, couldn’t fully hear him
- Nice cinematography, especially in the car
- Lovely use of old photos, created a very personal feel,
- Nice quality sound, rich dialogue and was very clear and easy to understand
- Great shots along the water, put together nicely with fast cut editing
- Clever use of light balls, created an inspirational feel
- Music sets the mood, upbeat, electric and exciting, to match the intense rhythm of his lifestyle