Noticing People on the Train

Since Monday’s tutorial and Wednesday’s workshop, I have made a conscious effort to notice more things and indulged myself in my surroundings a whole lot more. I was on the train on the way to RMIT when I decided to notice what people were wearing, what their gestures and mannerisms implied and made possible scenarios up for them based on these things.

There was a man wearing a light blue striped shirt with a black suit holding a leather brown brief case. He was wearing a ring on his wedding finger and was bald. He looked roughly 40 years old. Based on all of his physical aspects I came to the conclusion that he was the prominent income earner in the family, working at a law firm on Flinders Street and based on the way he was biting his lip he could have had an important case that day that he was nervous about, he travelled a lot based on the Qantas sticker still left on his brief case reading ‘priority’ and the blue colour of the shirt suggested that he was a calm, more quiet and reserved figure.

It was actually a really fun little activity I did by myself!! Not creepy at all …

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