David Gauntlett

“…media is inspiration, people being able to inspire people’.


Yes, David Gauntlett, it sure is.

I personally know that I’m inspired by the media. I’ve seen many films that have left me inspired, many TV broadcasted stories, lots of music, concerts, radio stories; there is lots and lots of inspiration being spread around the media world and allows ordinary people to be inspired to achieve greatness in their own lives.

Specifically, I was flicking through television programs the other night and stumbled upon the premier episode of ‘Long Lost Families’. Without having heard any background information as to what it was entirely about, I began watching it. The whole concept is essentially family members re-connecting with each other after years and years of trying to find them. Little did I know within 2 minutes into the program I’d be in absolute hysterics, a complete crying mess. What really inspired me though with not only this particular episode but with the program in general, is one of the hosts, Ahn Do. I read this autobiography ‘The Happiest Refugee’ a few years ago and was absolutely moved with his story mainly because he is so happy all the time (being a comedian too) I was just so shocked and it was unexpected to hear from his own words what he and his family went through. He is such a compassionate, loyal and sympathetic host because he can actually relate with most people’s stories, and family means so much to him (as it does to a lot of us too).

When Ahn Do would tell a family member that they have found the missing other half, the individual’s faces would light up and it was just so emotional. Seeing Ahn Do cry with happiness after seeing the individual’s cry with mixed emotions was just amazing and that really inspired me to not only be so thankful for my family and what we have, but also inspired me to never give up, just as these people had done – they never gave up on finding their loved ones, even after such a long period of time.

Ahn Do - The Happiest Refugee. How the media inspires people

Ahn Do – The Happiest Refugee. How the media inspires people. Photo Source: http://images.booktopia.com.au/author/952.jpg, accessed 20/3/16


And of course Beyoncé continues to inspire me every day. #queenbey



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