Two Cognitive Styles – Hyper and Deep Attention

Deep attention – characterised by high levels of focus and concentration on one thing at a particular time.

Hyper attention – characterised by engaging in several tasks at once with zero tolerance for boredom

Both hyper and deep attentiveness have their own pros and cons. Listed are some examples:


– Much more difficult to finish tasks and even if finished, are done so inadequately
– Inability to retain information
– Lower quality of learning
– Harder to switch off
– Doing too many things at once
– Procrastination and distraction
– Stimulation overload
– Easily dismissive

– Manage more than one thing at once, multitasking
– Time efficiency, due to skimming information rather than fully reading it, thus leading to increase productivity
– Increased alertness
– Aware of surrounding environment
– Adaptive


– Switching off is much more difficult
– Draining
– Longer periods of time needed to finish tasks
– Concentration levels are affected

– Less/no distractions
– Ability to absorb information thoroughly
– Ability to retain adequate information
– Broader understanding
– Time management
– Quicker

Both hyper and deep attention are necessary for different fields/areas. In the media industry, specifically, both types of attentiveness’ are needed as they allow different tasks to be done.

Hyper and deep attentiveness depend on various aspects relating to the certain individual or activity. some of these include:
– Personality
– Levels of discipline to an individual
– Specific activity

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