“How to survive and succeed in Journalism” with Sandra Sully
Last week I signed up for an online Podcast hosted by Pedestrian TV Coach with Sandra Sully about being a journalist in the current media climate. Below are some take away ideas/tips from the talk.
- She expressed the importance of being connected to Twitter. When the social media tool first gained international attention she spent 12months monitoring the social media site under an alias.
- The most important way to connect with an audience is to be honest because the camera never lies.
- Try to get some work experience in regional news broadcast, as it is the best way to learn the ropes.
- “…the internet is all pervasive and it would be wise to take small, safe steps.”
- Always keep an eye on how your competitors are approaching issues and telling stories to self regulate and monitor your work and make sure it is the best it can be.
- This last point reflected what Josie my Journalism lecturer said to us this week – don’t neglect political journalism even if it is not where your passion lies because everything comes out of and is closely linked to policy and regulation from sport to fashion.
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