Week 1
So this is blogging…
This language of hyperlinks and RSS feed is a foreign concept. Whilst I don’t expect to become fluent by the end of the twelve weeks, I hope to be able to babble my way through a few conversations.
It took me a moment to adjust to Adrain’s ‘unlecture’ at first I thought that was due to the fact it was the first week back from holidays but as I orientated myself, Adrian’s unconventional lecture style became apparent. His powerpoint slides were simplified to small phrases with the absence of dot points, graphics and flashy colour we as students have become so accustomed to.
Where the colour lie, was in Adrian’s passionate address about the subject. Though a little jumpy and abstract for me – it was refreshing to be spoken to rather than spoken at. He feels no need to labour over his points but rather discuss them loosely with us. This week he made clear distinctions between the ‘know how’ and the ‘know what’ and how recognising the difference is what is needed to succeed in this subject and indeed in life. Future lectures will take the form of a conversation between students and tutors and I am intrigued to see how this will play out next week.
Image source: http://kanyewesanderson.tumblr.com/
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