Week 2 – Unlecture
Learn through doing. The Week 2 Lecture/Unlecture was in the form of a Q and A session. We were asked to write down the questions that had come out of the first week with the only restriction being that they…

Week 1 – Readings
I found Adrian Miles’ Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning really helpful in explaining his choice to use online blogs as a tool in teaching media education. His passion for the technology is clear, and as someone who is not…

Week 1 – Unlecture and Tutorial
Following our first ‘Unlecture,’ Networked Media is presented to us in metaphorical form, part of what is explained to us as a ‘speculative curriculum’. This is my first introduction to speculative writing and media making and I’m not really sure…

Week 1
So this is blogging… This language of hyperlinks and RSS feed is a foreign concept. Whilst I don’t expect to become fluent by the end of the twelve weeks, I hope to be able to babble my way through a…