Assignment 2


These words are a tangible form of my feelings.

These photos hold my memories. Lift them and you can discover more. Hear and feel what I felt.

These are fragments of my life, seemingly important at this time.

Perhaps the term ‘transition’ needs replacing with a term such as ‘transformations,’ which highlights multiple, ongoing, change and recognises the prevalence of nonlinear pathways. (Woodman & Bennett 2015, p. 19)

Youth is a maze which alters at every turn. Sometimes it’s a maze of mirrors. I reflect…

I learn something new…

Sometimes others are in the maze with me. But only for a moment. Then I lose them…

Or they lose me…

I’m in the maze and yet I don’t feel trapped. I’m walking and sometimes running. I’m travelling in every direction. I never stop moving. My youth is a state of serendipity and premonition. Not every turn is bad nor is every turn good. It’s important that I hold on throughout the volatile moments. I hold on to the belief that “it may be that having a serendipitous orientation is more likely during adolescence and young adulthood” (Napolitano 2013, p. 303). This is one stage of my life. I shall strive for the good and not be held down by the bad.

“There is an interconnected nature of young people’s lives.”

(Woodman & Bennett 2015, p. 20)

We all get a glimpse of youth.  We all have our own stories. This is the turn we all take. Right now it is time that I meet you in the maze.


Me. You. Us.



 You felt the change in the wind as this day progressed. You saw the change in the bubbles, making you less stressed. It was an alteration in your mind which seemed surreal at the time. You didn’t choose this. Everything was changing.

You knew this day would come. Often people asked you only on your birthday if you felt any older, but you knew better. You knew that this couldn’t be planned. Your mind was rapidly changing. The end of your youth can be likened to iridescence.

iridescent: showing luminous colours that seem to change when seen from different angles

You                You                   You

were              could                could

between        see                    see

two               the                    the

sides.             colours             colours

                      of                      of

                      youth.               adulthood.


The Greek goddess Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and she sparked the creation of iridescence. “Iris had the bizarre responsibility of separating the souls of dying women from their bodies by cutting off their hair” (Harris 2002, p. 142).

Your youth is disappearing. Your youthful soul is transforming. You’re moving on.



They’re someone else. Their thoughts had gathered like clouds and rained down into reality. They were aware that it would happen, but then they couldn’t go back, and it was then that they realised what had happened. They had their youth and now they have their adulthood. They are given the opportunity to reinvent themselves. They’re ready. They’re ready for everything.









Harris, J 2002, ‘Book reviews. ‘The rainbow bridge: rainbows in art, myth, and science,’ by Raymond L. Lee, Jnr and Alistair B. Fraser’, Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, vol. 27, iss. 2, pp. 142-160.

Napolitano, C.M 2013, ‘More than Just a Simple Twist of Fate: Serendipitous Relations in Developmental Science’, Human Development, vol. 56, iss. 5, pp. 291-318.

Woodman, D & Bennett, A 2015, Youth Cultures, Transitions, and Generations: Bridging the Gap in Youth Research, Palgrave Macmillan Limited, London.

Posted August 10, 2018 by isabellasusnica in category Uncategorized

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