A2 Post Three – The Platform
Propose a platform or platforms that is/are relevant to your target audience.
As I alluded to in my previous post, I’ve decided that Instagram is the right place to begin my mental health campaign. From this, I began to look at what my audience may already be engaging with. I found ‘The Good Quote’ provides useful insights. ‘The Good Quote’ is an Instagram page with 19.8m followers. Through hourly posts of quotes, they are ‘advocating for mental health and self development through literature and discussion’ (Instagram 2020). I enjoy the strategy of frequently posting as this means that every time their followers open Instagram, they will see an uplifting message. I’d like to implement a similar strategy for my account. But, what I do see with pages like this is that the experience is more an absorption of content for personal reflection than an experience that not only uplifts people, but prompts them to advocate for mental health too.
I believe that in order to answer my question I need to publish content that provides a platform for people to start conversations. I believe that this will not only uplift those viewing the content but will be a starting point for the generation of more positive content across Instagram.
After doing this research over the past few weeks, I’ve brainstormed what I’d like to make, refined my ideas by considering what I have the capability to create and have now finally begun to make them happen. My overarching idea is to make a campaign titled ‘Make the Stop’. I’ve begun making templates and drafting my character design however, I’d like to develop this further and see what comes of it. I must say that my ideas will continue to evolve as sometimes what I imagine in my head and what occurs in after effects is very different. But, as I understand what does what, I shall finalise my creations for their release.
Instagram 2020, The Good Quote, Instagram, viewed 1 April 2020, <https://www.instagram.com/thegoodquote/?hl=en>.