Week 10 Instagram Post One


Instagram Photo 2

How did you author the photo you recorded for upload to Instagram?

I took this photo using an iPhone 6s. As the main focus of this photo is the door, the phone didn’t have much of an influence on how I could capture the photo. I was able to stand relatively close on the footpath and capture the door as well as part of the facade of the building. It would however, be interesting to compare the scope I could capture with an iPhone to a DSLR. In this case though, the main constraint was the row of cars parked along the road. Therefore, if I were to stand at a greater distance from the door, the cars would have obstructed the view. Once I decided on the photo I wanted to upload, I went on to slightly edit the photo using Instagram by adjusting the level of shadows. Furthermore, I wanted to consider not only how the photo would be viewed in someone’s feed, but also how it would appear on my profile as well as in any explore pages. Whilst Instagram no longer limits photos to be uploaded in a square format, when viewed in a grid, all the images are zoomed to fit into a square. Due to this, I didn’t like how my photo looked zoomed in to fit a square. Therefore, I added the white bars to the image using the app Square Fit. As seen in the photo, now the full image can be seen on my profile without needing to open it. This may sound like a poor choice as it suggests. people won’t open my photo. But by seeing the full photo immediately, if someone likes what they see then they can choose to like it or ignore it.

How did you publish the photo you recorded for upload to Instagram?

At first I wasn’t too sure which photo I wanted to upload. As I mentioned above, I decided on an image that I wanted to be viewed in its entirety at anytime. Deciding to take this route meant that I was now introducing the ‘white bar aesthetic’ to my Instagram profile. What I mean by this is that all the images with white bars will be seen as part of a set whilst my previous posts will now stand out as being inconsistent to the rest. From personal experience, I feel the need to continue the white bar aesthetic for a little while in order for my profile to be consistent. Therefore, for this account, I’m not sure if I’ve trapped myself in wanting to fit a particular aesthetic. This has the potential to affect the kind of content I produce.

Furthermore, I continued this week to include a range of hashtags in order to target different Instagram communities such as the door community and the Melbourne community. I also included a small caption in order to ensure my posts remain genuine and personal in the hopes that those reading it will feel more connected to the account.

How did you distribute the photo you published on Instagram to other social media services?

In the same manner as last week, I shared my photo to Tumblr and Twitter. This week I considered putting my hashtags in the comments rather than the caption in order to not clutter the space. I chose not to though because when I share the post to Tumblr, because the hashtags are included in the caption, they translate to Tumblr hashtags. Therefore, to save me the trouble of having to make new hashtags on Tumblr, I kept the Instagram ones from my caption.


Posted May 19, 2019 by isabellasusnica in category Uncategorized

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