Week 9 Instagram Post One
Instagram Photo 1
How did I author the photo I recorded for upload to Instagram?
To take this photo I had the phone orientated vertically. This allowed me to capture the building in its full height at a close distance. I needed to be close to the building to take the photo due to it facing quite a busy road. Furthermore, the phone influenced where I stood to take the photo due to the position of the sun. I had to be careful to not blow out the image. Once I took the photo I proceeded to edit it using Instagram. I decided to crop the photo, adjust the contrast as well as the shadows. Whilst, the editing is only subtle, I found it necessary to deepen the colours in the photo.
How did I publish the photo I recorded for upload to Instagram?
I wanted a photo to be the first post on the account as I wanted an image to be an accompaniment to a caption that would hint at my intentions for the account. In turn, I was most drawn to this photo. As this was my first post, I needed to consider that this would be the only thing on my account that would act as an incentive to follow the account. For this reason, I thought about the number of hashtags I should include. I knew that I needed some so that people could find their way to my account, but I felt that if I were to include too many hashtags, then my photo wouldn’t be seen as genuine. The reason being that people would assume I am only posting in order to gain followers. Ultimately, I did include quite a lot of hashtags but I felt that my caption made up for it. The caption reads as follows ‘Closed for business. I came across this facade and it made me wonder what’s behind the door now that the business no longer operates. A physical dead end but a new opening for my imagination.’ Furthermore, I chose not to add a location or any tags as I want each post to be more about the story and message of the post, rather than a documentation of physical places. Instead, it documents places the mind travels and so, that cannot be tagged. In turn, publishing this photo marked the beginnings to my Instagram deadenddoor.
How did I distribute the photo I published on Instagram to other social media services?
Either when publishing the photo or after the photo has been published, Instagram allows users to share their posts to other social media platforms. I decided to distribute the photos to other apps a few days after having published the photo on Instagram as I wanted to first build my presence on Instagram as that account is my main focus. Then, when distributing the post further, I decided to use Tumblr and Twitter. I chose these two apps as they both have large communities of people who enjoy posting about their thoughts. Therefore, since I am using my Instagram to voice my thoughts, these two apps seemed most suitable. In turn, I setup a Tumblr and Twitter account with the same name to keep all of the accounts consistent.