Week 5 Pt.1

So after the completion of assignment two, we all have something that is entangled in this world that we would like to investigate. My ‘something’ is the transition from youth to adulthood. Taking this ‘something’ and putting it with someone else’s ‘something,’ became the theme of class this week. My partner Patrick who focused on cults as his ‘something,’ allowed the two of us to create some pretty interesting entanglements. We decided to settle on an exploration of the different lives people live depending on the way in which they are brought up. More specifically, a day in the life of a cult member and the day in the life of your average person. We were tasked with illustrating this through a series of photographs. Patrick and I decided to create a dichotomy. One side belonged to the cult member’s day whilst the other side was for the average person. To instil the notion of entanglement, we decided to intertwine the two narratives by having both the characters displayed in each photograph. For example, a photograph of the cult member’s day would focus mainly on them whilst discretely in the background would be the non-cult member. Therefore, the setup of the photos was an important tool for narration as they left the viewer to wonder if the two characters will meet on a more personal level as opposed to a simple crossing of paths. Overall, I think it was an interesting way of presenting the ubiquitous entanglement of life as it showed that two seemingly separate stories can in fact, be entangled.

Posted August 16, 2018 by isabellasusnica in category Uncategorized

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