Behind all the shows we aired and features we made was allot of tired mornings and draining nights. But! That’s not to say it wash’ all worth it in the end. I know for a fact that I know more about producing a show or story now then I did in any of the other subjects I’ve had during my Media course.
So let’s break it down:
Step 1: Find a team-Nora, Crystal, moi, and Tim
Step 2: Embark on a quest to produce a Room With A View Triple R radio show in one week.
Step 3: Think of interviews that would be GREAT
Step 4: Filter your GREAT interviews with what is SUITABLE for Triple R
Step 5: Send all the ideas suitable to Elizabeth
Step 6: Stay awake all night
Step 7: Wake up realllly early and stare at your mailbox
Step 8: Yay I’ve got a message!
Step 9: NOW you can get started
Step 10: Call interviewees secure times.
Step 11: Ahh! An interviewee copped out last minute!
Step 12: Bully a team member to give you a pre-recorded interview capeesh
Step 13: Practise in the studio with crew
Step 14: Now come’on DO IT