
Moving on from ‘what is a story?’ my lectures have now come to explore literacy. A broad meaning of the sense I gathered from my lecture was as…. wait let me give you an example:

“She is so illiterate.”

“I know she can’t even buy a coffee.”

It’s a language

For example when a student is quite good at English at school, he may be asked to study literature as something that could further his understanding of English as a language.

So where do books come into this? Well apparently before print books were for content. It wasn’t until print came along that books became a device for exploring characters’s motivations and emotions.

So why do we find technology to be this big scary device? If in the course of history books were hardly a fifth of, why is it seen that books still and always will rule the world?

personally, I love books shhh but that doesn’t make me a genius. Perhaps more morale in sustaining my vision, however life at the, well ‘institute of technology’ has obviously made me atleast a bit more tech savy. I’ve come to be more fascinated with the politics of the internet, and who controls the content and voices that get seen and heard.

Rant over.

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