Media 1 Workshop 8

Full steam ahead with Project Brief 4! Despite the fact that Samantha was unfortunately away due to illness, our group managed to power on; smashing out not only a contract, but a research plan and a pretty awesome hunt for articles…

We created our collaborative contract, being as specific as we could in these early days of the assignment. My group and I have worked really well together and there doesn’t seem to be any sight of collaborative conflict in the foreseeable future, but it is good to know that through the creation of the contract we have formulated a strategy that can be implemented if conflict was to occur.
We also began to brainstorm topics, issues and concepts related to our topic of ‘technology’. We came up with 3 main ideas; using technology as a method of creation, production and communication, as well as an umbrella theme of ‘power’ to tie our thoughts together. Technology gives individuals the power to create multi platform media, but technology also has the power to influence individuals physically and mentally.

I have already started to gather articles for my annotated bibliography- I am excited to start researching my topic and getting nitty gritty into the world of media and technology.
I am also super pleased with my group- we are on the ball, motivated and smart… what more could you want?!

Here is a relevant song: Daft Punk’s ‘Technologic


18 | melbourne | media | music

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