Back in year 9, I had this teacher who loved to analyse music videos- He introduced my year level to ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ before it had even been played on the radio. And whilst he was terrible at eye contact, facial recognition and reading aloud, he introduced me to Arcade Fire- a band who I now hold very close to my heart… and for that, I am grateful.

For those uncultured individuals who are unaware of who Arcade Fire is, they are an indie rock back from the land of Canada who are comprised of two brothers, a wife, and 3 friends (and a few extras who like to tag along from time to time). They are well known for not only their album releases as a band, but for scoring Spike Jonze’s Her, my favourite movie ever.
Why not delve into the world of Arcade Fire for this week’s ‘Saturday Spotlight’…

1. No Cars Go– Neon Bible (2007)
This song is so so clever- the combination of strings an drums creates this kind of busy energy that could be likened to a busy road- its atmospheric in a hectic way..
This song, ironically, makes for a pretty awesome night city- roadtrip song. Love it very much

2. My Body is a Cage– Neon Bible (2007)
Also from Neon Bible, this song is also atmospheric. The haunting organ in the background, as well as the slightly distorted vocals creates an eery feel. As it starts to build, everything is intensified- It is one of those songs that you listen to in the early hours of the morning, when the moon is out and everyone is asleep and it just hits you right in the feels and senses…

3. You Already Know– Reflektor (2013)
This song is on the poppier side- its catchy and boppy and wonderful. I also love the music video for this song- it is quite harry potter-esque and enertaining

4. We Exist– Reflektor (2013)
I love this song, but I am mainly linking it for the music video. You may at first say a lovely little Oh hello.. to the perfectly perfect Andrew Garfield! But this music video is touching on a really important topic- gender identity. I LOVE it when celebrities and musicians put their talent to good use- to highlight issues in society

5. Some Other Place– Her OST (2013)
I can’t even describe my love for this song. It is perfectly peaceful, yet shares its melody and tune with another Arcade Fire song, ‘Porno’, from their 2013 album Reflektor. The simplicity of the piano and the echoing of the strings creates such an atmosphere and really exhibits the beauty of the film. Its the perfect lullaby…

6. Reflektor– Reflektor (2013)
7 minute + long creative and quirky songs are what I live for, and Reflektor is one of them. Despite the fact I don’t speak french and can’t understand half the lyrics, I still love to sing along to this song (and of course, dance too). I love every element of this song- the vocals, drums, guitar, piano- I LOVE IT ALL! Funkier and funkier with every second that passes
God bless title tracks…

7. The Suburbs– The Suburbs (2010)
ANOTHER AWESOME TITLE TRACK!!! The song where my love for Arcade Fire began. I had only just found ‘my sound’; the music I liked not because everyone else liked it, but because I liked it. It is simply beautiful and I can’t even say anything else… This song will always hold a special place in my heart and I will be playing it forever.

As I chose these songs linked above, it became evident that Arcade Fire are so versatile- they can produce songs from various styles that sit in the indie genre and execute them in such an awesome fashion. They have songs for the sad says and songs for the happy, for the dancey and for those rainy days when all you want to do is eat and sleep.
Arcade Fire- you absolutely freakin rock.


18 | melbourne | media | music

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