Media 1 Workshop 10

My group and I have finally decided on a more direct, specific and detailed idea for our presentation.
Our aim is to investigate the technologies that are commonly used by music artists in an effort to collaborate, be influenced, connect with fans and inspire. We intend to interview artists and professionals that are known in the industry as well as new and upcoming artists who are trying to make it in the music industry. In doing so, we hope to uncover trends and popular sites from those who use it- delving deep into this particular world of technology. Focussing on sites such as Soundcloud, Spotify, Tumblr, Instagram, HitRecord, Rookie Magazine, Rolling Stones and The Music magazine and Facebook, as well as radio platforms such as Triple J
and Triple J Unearthed, we aim to identify the pros, cons, the most suitable uses and how successful they are in terms of what they provide for artists- may it be communication with fans or for publicity. We will publish our findings, along with examples of uses and interviews in a blog-style format, which will allow our article to become a reference point for those in the industry through its casual style and the organisation of information.

Overall, through this article, we aim to summarise the effectiveness and suitability of these technologies that are used to assist and mediate communication, collaboration, interaction, inspiration and popularity of the work produced by music artists and industry professionals.

I am really pleased with our idea and I am looking forward to writing it, creating it and seeing it all come together


18 | melbourne | media | music

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