I promised myself that I wouldn’t give in and write a personal post for my blog… BUT I AM DROWNING IN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES and it is not ok!!!
I blame Pop Culture; I mean, if I didn’t have to annotate 4 articles and whip them up into an annotated bibliography for the group project, as well as another 4ish other huge assignment, I would be just left with the 5 for Media 1…If I add it up correctly, I get a whopping total of 14ish articles that need to be annotated, summarised and then applied to my work.
Oh a little bit of background information on me and my relationship with reading for educational purposes= I HATE IT. It took me 5 weeks to read one of my Year 12 English texts because I didn’t want a bar of it. And the only time I have wanted to read anything for school was when we studied The Hunger Games, and I wanted to read it because I had already seen the film, meaning I could understand it all better as I had already seen the story in filmic form.
So here I am, whipping up a dreaded personal-style blog because I am procrastinating from those 14 readings that await my eyes on the other tabs of my Google Chrome browser.
I have downloaded the articles into PDFs so I can put them into iBooks on my iPad, hopefully I can man up and read. I can’t let myself down because I just can’t be bothered- I don’t give up, I don’t fail…ahhh man
If you don’t see me at Uni, you know I have drowned on the iSearch page,