I must admit that I found the self-portrait task confronting. I don’t like to be in front of the camera, I prefer to be behind, controlling the look and feel of everything. It was a step out of my comfort zone- it forced me to get to know myself on a level I haven’t explored before and to trust others in producing the materials I needed (eg. photos)
I spent a lot of time trying to create a thread between the different elements of the portrait before I began to gather the materials. I also spent some time procrastinating as I was anxious that the finished product wouldn’t reflect me.
I woke up last Monday and decided that it was time to begin. I storyboarded each photo, attempting to link them to parts of my body, mimicking the idea of a portrait (showing the physical side of myself). Throughout the week I took and gathered my sound, videos, words and photos and placed them into the blog format. Stepping back and looking at the finished product was rewarding, as I came to the realisation I had worried for no reason at all.
I am excited to take it all to the next level, editing it together, replacing various aspects with more polished versions and seeing everything combined into one, rather than placed on a blog post.
Currently sitting outside thinking of ways to combine the materials together in a way that allows the elements to speak for themselves, listening to Kanye West’s Touch the Sky