Tech Notes for Final K-Film

Emily, Ren and myself have been refining out concept and developed our interview techniques. After showing our class another draft we were told that it is more interesting if the subject elaborates on the question and gets more personal. We were also told to shoot the clips in varied set ups (some close ups, some extreme close ups in a different angles and using static and hand held), to develop a collage of our styles.

We have moved away from asking “what is a significant lesson you have learnt?” to “What is an important piece of advice you would give somebody?” and then getting them to elaborate and get more personal by asking “How did you learn this?” or “Who taught you this?”. The developed questions are much easier to answer, especially when we are approaching a stranger on the street.

We are also shooting the footage of the subjects feet without them realising, creating an opportunity to capture more relaistic movement and stances. We will select the best part of audio with the best part of video and edit them into a complete fragment. We will then view our clips and note down the themes present in the responses and connect our fragments based on those theme. These could include love, happiness, relationships, self-respect and success.

We are recording the video footage using a DSLR camera and recording the audio using a lapel mic to capture a close and personal audio response. After shooting the footage and capturing the audio, I convert the footage to apple pro res 422 (HQ) using Mpeg Stream clip and this free audio convertor to change my clips to .wav for use in Final Cut Pro 7.

We are in the process of editing our fragments and so are still undecided about whether to remove the section of audio where individual states the question in their answer e.g. “The most significant lesson I’ve learnt is…”. We believe that removing this will make the film more ambiguous and therefore poetic.

We will put together our first draft of the final project this week.

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