Inspiration from Student K-Film

The K-film I explored for the essay provided me with some inspirational ideas. I’m looking forward to exploring my own concept for the major K-Film.

I really enjoyed the concept behind the film Life is a MusicalI felt as though I was moving though time and space from someone else’s perspective through the observatory clips. This gave me insight into the detail of sounds provided in everyday life that I overlook. This provoked me to think about my surroundings and the sounds that occur around me, like the clicking of the keys on my keyboard as I type this post. The simplistic idea resonated with me.

I am inspired to create my major K-film based on a concept that surrounds us and is taken for granted. I also like people and find human behaviour fascinating. I think elderly people are particularly interesting. I wonder if I could incorporate these two somehow? Perhaps an old people’s activity that is under appreciated and therefore may be dying out.

These are all just ideas. I thought I better note them down somewhere before I forget.

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