Indeed, what did! Why are you here, studying this? For me, it is because of one very important film I saw when I was about 16, a creepy film called Eraserhead. It is the first film made by David Lynch. He made it over 5~ years, between 1971 – 1977, on a budget is $20,000. […]


August 7, 2013

I have never used a blog before. To me right now they are very confusing, and I am in way over my head. I am trying to figure them out slowly but surely. It’s just so strange. It’s stressful.

Second Class

August 1, 2013

Well I got to class late. I dived into the wrong reading about double loop theory. So far it is very very interesting. It seems to be psychology based, identifying and understanding the mental maps and subtle undercurrents of our mind and how they influence what we do. I am really excited to read the […]


July 31, 2013

Hello everyone. I have never used a blog before, and I am apprehensive and confused, but  I will give it a go 🙂 Hopefully this will be an interesting space for everyone. I will be sure to keep it full with the amusing and interesting, the useful and devastating; all parts of human life.

Hello world!

July 25, 2013

Welcome to your brand new blog at Media Factory . To get started, simply log in, edit or delete this post and check out all the other options available to you. For assistance, visit the edublogs User Guide. (Or come to class.)

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