Second Class
August 1, 2013
Well I got to class late. I dived into the wrong reading about double loop theory. So far it is very very interesting. It seems to be psychology based, identifying and understanding the mental maps and subtle undercurrents of our mind and how they influence what we do. I am really excited to read the rest of it. The reading I was supposed to do but did not, was about the blogs. The class discussed it, and how useful a blog could be. Some key points were that people may be too shy to share work out loud in class, and thus much more comfortable to do so online. This would give quiet people a voice, and allow people who are struggling to see work done by people who are not struggling, and use that to help them, where they might not feel comfortable asking in the class room. The blogs seem likely to break down the barriers a lot of us (classmates) seem to have, and to share and co-operate much easier.