Tag Archives for week two

Haiku Exercise

Haiku Exercise_2 from Holly Karas on Vimeo.

22. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | Leave a comment


I’ve had such a love hate relationship with Premiere. I was so stoked to say goodbye to it for a long time at the end of production of my SAT for VCE Media last year but last Friday I welcomed … Continue reading

16. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | Leave a comment

De Bono

In Friday’s tute we had a look at one another’s work using Edward De Bono’s “Six thinking hats” tool of giving feedback. I’d kind of learnt about this way of thinking in primary school but, not so surprisingly I couldn’t remember … Continue reading

15. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Morocco doesn’t exist.

  This week’s reading really messed me up. I don’t have solid enough proof morocco exists. Why do I think a bunch of lines placed in a certain way is a face? That doesn’t look anything like a face! The … Continue reading

14. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | Leave a comment

lofi self portrait

Three audio clips: My parents cooking dinner – This is a sound I’ll come home to most days, I love spending time with my family and I think this sound is the best way I could represent this without embarrassing … Continue reading

10. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one, Uncategorized | Tags: , | Leave a comment

Holy Motors

So there’s a lot to unpack in Holy Motors. Obviously I’m not going to cover it all in this post because there’s too much so I’ll just pick bits and pieces. I’ve spent the last 12 hours trying to figure … Continue reading

10. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: Intro to Cinema | Tags: | Leave a comment

Media is everywhere!

Our assigned area for the media observation task was Fed Square. Media up high: Billboards SBS sign The big screen IMG_0315 from Holly Karas on Vimeo. On the ground: A little ad at the tram stop Mid ground: Information screen … Continue reading

09. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | Leave a comment

week two initiative

This image essentially sums up my view on the mediated vs unmediated communication debate. People who believe we’re becoming anti social as a society as a result of the increasing role of social media in our lives are on par … Continue reading

07. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | 1 comment

week two lectorial – part one

I think I might split up this post into two parts cause that’s kinda how the lectorial was today. So editing. Editing is a role in film production I’ve enjoyed in the past but never learnt about in that much … Continue reading

07. March 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | Leave a comment

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