Week Nine Tute/ PB4 Progress update

Having completed the annotated bibliography exercise my group and I have began to form a much clearer idea of what we want to communicate in project brief four.

We’ve had a pretty clear idea from the start of the project that we’d like to focus on Disney Princess films(DPFs) particularly through a feminist lense, that is looking at how women are represented in these films and the effect this has on the films audience. After completing readings it seems to make more sense to seperate into two topics still related to DPFs in order to avoid a lot of overlap between our video and audio essay.

Currently, the plan is to in our video essay focus on the representation of race in Disney Princess films, particularly in ‘Mulan‘ (1998), ‘Pocahontas‘ (1995), and ‘The Princess and the Frog‘ (2009) as the protagonists of these films are women of colour. This is still related to our original concept as it is hard to discuss feminism without talking about race.

Our audio essay will be a comparison between the first DPF ‘Snow White’ (1937) and one of the most recent ones ‘Tangled‘ (2010). This will allow us to directly assess how the representation of women has changed over the decades.

These two ideas we have are still very broad but at least have given us a clearer direction for our research. In our next group meeting taking place later today we’ll begin to plan out exactly the points we want to make and the formatting of each essay. Hopefully after this we’ll be able to allocate specific jobs and start to make some real progress on this project brief.

09. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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