Monthly Archives for May 2016

How Does an Editor Think and Feel?

23. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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Netflix’s ‘Love’

I would definitely recommend this show if you like romantic comedies about characters you hate. As a big fan of Judd Apatow I felt obligated to watch, I’m still not sure how I felt about the series but the soundtrack … Continue reading

11. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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How to Structure a Video Essay

11. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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Making Public Television Social? Public Service Broadcasting and the Challenges of Social Media

Van Dijck, J. and Poell, T., 2015. Making public television social? Public service broadcasting and the challenges of social media. Television & New Media, 16(2), pp.148-164. This article looks at the effect the increase of social media in our society … Continue reading

11. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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Week Nine Tute/ PB4 Progress update

Having completed the annotated bibliography exercise my group and I have began to form a much clearer idea of what we want to communicate in project brief four. We’ve had a pretty clear idea from the start of the project … Continue reading

09. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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Logies 2016 Red Carpet

That’s right it’s the biggest night in Australian entertainment: The Logies. As the who’s who of show business gather at  crown cassino I thought I’d weigh in on the best and worst of the red carpet in 2016. The Best: … Continue reading

08. May 2016 by Holly Karas
Categories: media one | Tags: , | 1 comment

Project Brief Three (the return)

Earlier in the week I received an email to let me know some of the found footage in PB3 seemed as though it did not have the correct licensing for me to use it. Many angst filled messages to the … Continue reading

07. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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In tute last week we listened to an example of an audio essay, titled “Sleep” on Radiolab, in order to gain an understanding of what an audio essay actually is and maybe take inspiration for our own essays we’ll soon be creating. … Continue reading

06. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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Post-Princess Models of Gender: The New Man in Disney/Pixar

Ken Gillam & Shannon R. Wooden (2008) Post-Princess Models of Gender:The New Man in Disney/Pixar, Journal of Popular Film and Television, 36:1, 2-8, DOI: 10.3200/ JPFT.36.1.2-8 To link to this article: Gilliam and Wooden’s article looks at the representation of … Continue reading

04. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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“Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminist Disney Princess”

Stover, Cassandra (2013) “Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminist Disney Princess,” LUX: A Journal of Transdisciplinary Writing and Research from Claremont Graduate University: Vol. 2: Iss. 1, Article 29. Available at: This article looks at the relationship … Continue reading

04. May 2016 by Holly Karas
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